Guidelines for Dogs Traveling to USA

As of August 1, 2024, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has implemented new regulations concerning the entry of pets into the USA.

You can review the guidelines here:

From August 1, 2024, Onward: What Your Dog Needs to Enter the United States

As your trusted veterinary care provider, we're committed to helping you adapt to the updated guidelines seamlessly. Your dedication to complying with CDC regulations is essential for your pet's well-being, and we're here to support you in any way we can. Feel free to reach out to us with any questions or concerns.

Additional requirements may apply depending on where the dog has been in the last 6 months and whether or not the dog was vaccinated in the United States. Use the CDC’s Q&A tool (the CDC “DogBot”) to determine what rules apply to your dog:

Travelling to Water Destinations with Your Pet and New US Border Control Regulations

Are you dreaming of sun-soaked beaches, tranquil lakeshores, or picturesque riversides with your furry friend by your side? Travelling to water destinations with your pet can be a wonderful experience, filled with memorable moments. Whether a staycation here in Ontario or travelling abroad, we're here to help you and your pet stay safe and have fun when having water adventures. Here are 5 tips for travelling to water destinations with your pet:

  1. Safety First: Before diving in, prioritize your pet's safety. Not all pets are natural swimmers, so it's essential to assess your pet's swimming ability and provide appropriate safety gear such as a life jacket.
  2. Check Local Regulations: Familiarize yourself with local regulations and guidelines regarding pets at water destinations. Some beaches or lakes may have specific rules or restrictions for pets, such as designated areas or leash requirements.
  3. Pack the Essentials: Don't forget to pack essential items for your pet, including a leash, collar with ID tags, water bowl, towels, sunscreen (for pets with light fur or skin), and waste bags for cleaning up after your pet.
  4. Provide Shade and Fresh Water: When spending time near the water, ensure your pet has access to shade and plenty of fresh water to stay hydrated. Avoid leaving your pet in direct sunlight for extended periods to prevent overheating or sunburn.
  5. Rinse Off After Swimming: After a refreshing swim, rinse off your pet with fresh water to remove any salt, sand, or chlorine from their fur and skin. Pay special attention to sensitive areas such as ears and paws to prevent irritation or infection.

With careful planning and preparation, travelling to water destinations with your pet can be a rewarding experience for both of you. If you have any questions or concerns about travelling with your pet, don't hesitate to reach out to our team at Cambrian Animal Hospital. We're here to help you and your pet make a splash wherever your travels may take you!