My Experience as a Co-Op Student at CAH

Joining the Cambrian Animal Hospital team for a short time of four months has given me a chance to understand the hard work behind each animal that comes into this clinic needing help.

During my time here, I have experienced complicated surgeries that seemed to be impossible to fix. However, the doctors never fail to impress and most importantly help the animal in need. I have learned valuable information that I will carry with me throughout my time as a University student, and for my future career. Every day I am introduced to a new prognosis and how every animal is healed, whether it’s through a complex surgery or medication or a specific diet. I have watched multiple surgeries that have enlightened me on how intelligent and fast-thinking the veterinarians are, and how much dedication and passion it takes to be a veterinarian/veterinary technician.

The respect I have gained for the workers and surgeons for undergoing the stress that is brought onto them every day, whether it’s because of a complicated surgery, diagnosing animals, or the constant carrying of massive dogs from the exam table to surgery table then back onto their comfy beds. These veterinarians and veterinary technicians never fail to treat the animal as if it’s their own. The love I have for this field has only increased since working here; it is clear to me now that working in this profession is exactly what I want.

Written by Sarah Nan, Student