Halloween Pet Dangers

With Halloween around the corner, it is important for pet owners to be aware of some of the dangers that the Halloween holiday brings.

Most owners are aware of the dangers of your pets ingesting chocolate, and it is one of the main concerns, but there are many other dangers that we need to be aware of.

After going trick or treating, remember to keep the goodie bags off of the floor. By keeping them out of reach, it eliminates the concern of your pet ingesting candy or chocolate. Not only the goodies that have but also the wrappers that they come in.

Having many visitors come to your door can be stressful for your pets. The constant knocking, doorbell ringing and the kids having fun could potentially cause your pet some stress or aggression. Keeping them in a back room away from the commotion if possible, will help reduce the potential stress.

We all like to decorate our homes for the main celebrated holidays, but it is important to think about where these decorations are being placed and also what kind of decorations are being hung up. Things like fake web could be very appealing to your cats but could cause a potential intestinal blockage or choking if ingested. Stuff like old pumpkins if not disposed of properly could cause your dogs some gastro-intestinal concerns like vomiting or diarrhea, and could make your dog very sick.

If you decide to dress up your pet in a costume, don’t leave them unattended while wearing it as they could potentially rip up or eat part of the costume. Parts of the costume like strings that are meant to tie it and keep it in place could also be a danger to your pet. If it happens to get snagged on a doorway, or wrapped around their paw, it could cause an injury that may require an emergency visit to the veterinarian that is on call that night.

Written by: RaeAnne Emmell, RVT